‭01386 45309‬ info@driven-day.co.uk

Condition 4

Our answer to the desire for safe and secure transportation of shotguns. Fabrication by a local company that manufactures home shotgun cabinets.

Our answer to the desire for safe and secure transportation of shotguns.

Manufactured to our design by a local company that produce home shotgun safes.

Cabinet made from 14 swg, 2mm bend construction & welded, to BS 7558

Locks to BS3621.

Checked and passed by the local firearms authority.

These have proven very popular but due to the cost of manufacturing, we can now only supply them if we have a sufficient numbers of orders to warrant a run of production.

If you would be interested in one, please get in touch as we are compiling a new list and once we have enough, we will be putting another batch forward for manufacture.

Safe and Secure

Built to take your original case

Quality mortice locks

Removable internal cover

Egg case foam to protect your guns

Fully rebated to resist prying

Release hinge detail

Tough and secure

Ideal for the hard-working shooting 4×4  that has to carry dog cages as well as guns and cartridges in a secure manner. 

Reach Us

Office Address

13 The Harrow
WR11 2SY


‭T: 01386 45309
M: 07976 046980‬

Get In Touch

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